Thursday, January 27, 2011

Research Outline

Y4 Students,

For next class: 
incorporate questions and comments from peer review and thesis statement written comments to generate a outline of the research paper.  A research outline is a brief plan of what you are going to discuss in your term papers, including bulletin points, direct or indirect quotes, images, case studies,etc. It does not have to be in the form of complete sentences and is intended to be an organizational tool. Do not copy and paste text from any source (internet, books, etc.) without marking it as a direct quote.


I. Introductory Paragraph (Includes Thesis Statement)



c. etc

II. Supporting Information (Body of Paper)

III. Supporting Information (Body of Paper)

IV. Supporting Information (Body of Paper)

V. Conclusion Paragraph (what to do next)

VI. Bibliography/ References

Class Five: Feb 1 Tuesday
Questions to Problems, Drafting and Composition
Review outline of thesis statement & research

Class Six: Feb 4 Friday
Research Progress Report Due
Research paper; (2,000-3000 words) ten-page minimum including supporting diagrams, photographs, maps, and drawings

You will receive a preliminary grade and feedback on the research paper.  You will be able to resubmit the paper between Feb 9th-Mar 1st to replace the progress grading. The research paper counts as 15% of the final grade.  Student may submit the paper up to two times not including the progress report.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Aj. Kerrie

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